Classics of 2015 Already Predicted in Hagerty Hot List
Here are cars that you can look forward to traveling with you through generation after generation. Classic cars are made every year, and certain features make them to stand out from others. But what truly makes a car memorable and remarkable enough to stand out from others? Hagerty Hotlist has…
Green Batteries Will Be a Challenge
With fleets of electric cars starting to hit the roads, the next big mother lode for salvage companies is expected to be the expensive, newfangled batteries powering them. Yet even as automakers vaunt the ways these cars can benefit the environment, they are divided over how best to handle the…
Government in Zambia Encouraging Support of Local Steel Industry
DEALERS in scrap metal have challenged steel and iron manufacturers to create their own reserves by bidding for raw materials from the mines’ salvage yards rather than influencing the government to impose the export ban of scrap metal. The government has imposed various measures aimed at developing the steel industry…